Pre-competitive insights on political and regulatory developments will sharpen your business decisions; whether conducting due diligence, considering entering the European market, assessing risks and opportunities or just seeking to clarify what the rules are.

Our platform includes experts on a wide array of EU and national regulations, such as healthcare, infrastructure, consumer protection, mobility, taxation, trade, transport, energy, environment or financial services — to name just a few.


Access to experts with a deep understanding of regulatory and political developments & risks. Primarily to add value, mitigate problems and challenge opinions but also to spot opportunities.

Our role at Woodz EU Insights is to empower clients to make better decisions, by assisting them to understand EU and member state political developments or regulatory policies. Woodz EU Insights provides clients with access to actionable knowledge, either through:

  • One-on-one phone consultations, or
  • Face-to-face meetings


On delivering added value to the finance industry, advisory firms, media outlets and corporate clients.

Sharing unfiltered EU and member state regulatory and political knowledge provides valuable insights for financial transactions, assists advisory firms with their regulatory due diligence, identifies expert panelists for media outlets/broadcasters or corporations seeking an expert opinion.

Finance industry

Throughout the deal cycle, assist asset managers and sell side advisors understand their regulatory and political exposure.

Advisory services

Provide dedicated support to assist with research and due diligence projects.

Media / broadcasters

Identify political, academic and regulatory experts for news (radio/TV) programs.


Access to additional external experts with a deep understanding of a regulated sector.